Saturday, 21 February 2015

My First Qwertee arrived!! Nerd Alert!


So I've spent this week trying to figure out what today's post was going to be about and this morning I received my answer through the post. My First Qwertee order arrived!

For those who don't know what Qwertee is I highly recommend you check out their site, here. Trust me you won't regret it they're stuff is amazing for everyone's inner nerd. A quick explanation of Qwertee is that they're a company that sells unique limited edition tshirts with a pop culture influence created by the artists on staff. All the shirts are only available for a limited time (duh! limited edition) and are completely unique as you can only get them from the Qwertee website. 

A lot of people don't understand the name Qwertee, they get it's a play on tshirt but that's as far as they understand. To those people I advise that you have a look down at your computer keyboard. in the top left hand corner of the letters you will find the letters q,w,e,r,t,y. This means you're using a QWERTY keyboard (it's a thing Google it). Now I learnt this in IT class in high school but as it turns out not everybody did so I've had to explain this a lot to people.

And that's when they realise that all this time they've been talking to a nerd. O.o

People don't realise I'm a nerd when they first meet me as I've perfected coming across as a completely normal person who remains unattached to any sort of fandom and can carry on a conversation without pop culture references. That is until you ask me explain something. . .anything. Then the floodgates are open and you get a sneak peak at how my mind works and the random connections I can make between random things I once heard, saw read or smelled.

but now I'm rambling  on to the purchases!

As usual, let's start with the packaging!
Look how adorable this is, getting this through the post was quite exciting. I must admit I forgot I had purchased this until it was delivered, because Qwertee doesn't ship your order until the run of the tshirt is finished and everyone's order is in so it takes roughly 2-4 weeks to receive your order depending on when your order is placed but waking up this morning to be greeted by this cheerful robot face was such a delight!

I ordered two tshirts, the grey one on the right I order for Jay as a surprise gift. It's called 'Are these the droids you're looking for?' and I just thought it he would love it, with reference to Doctor Who, Star Wars, Futurama and Wall-E. It was just the perfect shirt for my Jay who wears his nerdiness with pride. The shirt on the left I ordered for myself, I didn't know what I would be getting because with Qwertee you can get a shirt for £6 through their insaniTEE random sale in which you give them your size and they just send you a random shirt. I ended up with SAILOR MOON! 

Jay absolutely loved his tshirt, he's worn it today while we've been out and he loved all the characters on the shirt as it combines so many of his fandoms (remind me to give you guys a tour of Jay's man cave; maybe next week). So when I said Jay and I didn't really celebrate Valentines, this had been intended as a gift to him for Valentines but as it only arrived today it become a gift for 'just because' which are always the best kind.
The shirt combines several different fandom robots in a 'Usual Suspects' type line up while a storm trooper attempts to identify which is the droid he in fact is looking for. 

Now I'm in love with the random tee they sent me. I was a little nervous as there is always a chance they'll send me a shirt I don't like or understand as it could sport a fandom I know nothing about. I'm so glad I took the chance as the t shirt I received was a great representation of two fandoms that I love the Anime series Sailor Moon and Game of Thrones and features Sailor Moon on an Iron throne made of the the weapons of the other Sailor scouts.

The t shirts themselves are of high quality, they're made of ringspun cotton are super comfortable and machine washable :)

I'm definitely going to be ordering more of these shirts and even if you think you might not want what they currently have onsite make sure you sign up to their daily t shirt email which will let you know what designs are available that day.

Thanks for reading!

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