Monday, 2 March 2015

Benefit Roller Lash, Seventeen Eye Shadow and a NEW Bourjois Rouge Velvet Shade!


I know I'm a horrible person who owes you blog posts, it's been a crazy week! I mean crazy, I might even use the words cray cray. Wedding planning, Working, getting over a cold, and all in all just being my tired lazy self so my deepest, sincerest apologies.

So I owe you a treat post! Just FYI I took over 153 photos for this post they're still transferring in from my phone to my laptop so I must want your forgiveness.

So to make up for my crappy-ness I will be doing a nice big assortment of make up review. I got a few new things this month; both new to me and the market and one of these is a new shade release and another is a new shade coming out next month (Can you spot them?)

Benefit Roller Lash

So let's start with the one everyone is talking about, the new Benefit Roller lash!
I know I usually start with packaging but this is a funny one because there have been a lot of reviews from people who didn't get on with They're Real saying how much they love this new mascara and I have to be the one to explain. 

It's the SAME mascara! I'm sorry but it is.

The amazing-ness is all in the brush, the hook and roll brush that's the secret. That's the magic of benefit roller lash.

The teeny tiny (hard to photograph) bristles are amazing and what makes this mascara so great. I was previously in the market for a bottom lash mascara and was considering investing in the Clinique bottom lash but this has eliminated my need for one. The brush makes getting both your upper and lower lashes simply and easy giving you an amazing wide eyed look.

No make up but the mascara
On to packaging! 
Black and pink, black and pink, black and pink. 
Now the one I had to photograph is the sample pack which was adorable and small and shiny. Very sleek and premium, even for sample. The full sized packaging has a soft top shaped with a diamond pattern which is suppose to give the impression of a hair roller and also makes it really easy to grip and open which is always helpful.

So in my mini pay day splurge to myself I purchased a few new eye shadows both singulars and palettes. I bought two singulars from Seventeen. So this is one of my new shade purchases as the Gold is actually a newly released shade which excited me as I've been looking for a vibrant gold for ages!

I love seventeen's new packaging much sleeker and easier to use, unlike their old round pots with the textured powder. I bought gold and purple, because I've been looking for a really vibrant gold for months and a nice deep purple. These are going to be my wedding colours and I'm working on perfecting a great eye make up look with them that's subtle but still pulls in the colours scheme (does that make sense).

I don't have these swatched because when I was doing the photos for this blog I kind of threw them in at the last minute and forgot the swatch while I was taking the photos but the vibrancy you see in the pictures is is what you get during application. If you want it to be really bright I would recommend applying it with a slightly damp brush as it really brings out the colours.

So saving the best for last, the new shade from Bourjois' Rouge edition Velvet line. Now this shade won't be released until later one this month so keep and eye out for it! I have shade 12 Beau brun in the matte finish. I'm not going to analyse the packaging on this one as it's of course the same packaging as the current rouge edition velvets that are already on the market. 

Rouge Edition Velvet: 12 Beau brun
Now the shade is in the plum/brown shades leaning a little towards the pinks which I love because I don't like to go too bright on my lips especially for day to day wear. It looks darker in the bottle than it is when it's on, I was a little shocked when I first tried it as it was much brighter on than I thought but I adjusted and I'm loving it.

Remembered to swatch it
As it's  a matte finish it can be a little drying on your lips which helps give it the staying power. I've tried putting a balm on underneath but it made it rub off too quickly. same problem with putting a balm on top. I kind of wish I could find this colour in a lip stain it would be great because those come with balms that you can top up all you want but lip stains are slowly disappearing which kind of sucks.

So besides the drying which is a side effect of the matte and lasting effect I have no complaints about this product, and I wear it pretty much every other day to work!

Thanks for reading!!

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