Friday 6 February 2015

The Pros and Cons of starting 'Beauty and Lifestyle' Blog.

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Hello & Welcome!

So I've been out of the blogging game for far too long! The game has changed and blogging has grown in a big way. As you can see this is the only post currently residing on on this blog. That is very simply because I got rid of all my old posts. All my mewling teenage whining is gone and here is me.

I'm Hestia Dimitri.
I'm 25.
I live in Nottingham.
I'm getting married in less than 3 months to the love of my life Jay.

I work in the UK beauty industry, so I get to see products before they hit the market and I even get to test some of them. Now this doesn't mean that you'll get to see every product I see when I get it as of course there are legal issues around that but I will share what I can when I can.

Now due to the nature of my job it can be easily misconstrued that my posts/reviews/opinions are not my own but I can assure you that anything said here if strictly and only my opinion.

So I named my blog 'Queen of this Pirate ship' when I first put it up because I thought it sounded funny. It came up in a very strange conversation with a friend of mine and has kind of stuck no one really understands it, and neither do I. I did consider changing it for this when i was updating everything but I like it. So the name stays.

I use to go by the on-line name of Hestia Dimitri because i had a weird thing about people knowing my name and I never really had nicknames as a kid. So I came up with the name Hestia Dimitri because I thought it sounded cool. Hestia means Goddess of the Hearth and Dimitri just reminded me of vampires (I was young don't judge me!) and  thats what I came up with.

So follow my journey here on blogger,

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