Saturday, 14 February 2015

Dim Sum-day, little plate of heaven

Hello Lovelies!

 Happy Valentines Day!

Now Jay and I don't really celebrate Valentines, we don't see the point, but I do get a card and wine so I can't complain :)
This isn't going to be a long blog post, but the next one (tomorrow) will be another review. I'm going to try and post twice on the weekends. One review and one catch up of my week (we'll see how it goes) but that is the plan! So this post is my catch up.

So I kicked off this week with a lovely catch up with one of my dearest friends who I don't get to see nearly enough, so we decided to catch up over our favourite dim sum restaurant, MandarinIt's tucked away in Hockley, Nottingham City Centre (across from the Capital FM arena). 

Photo Credit: Mandarin Restaurant website.

Ready for food
Now I don't know how most people do it but Elle and I have our own system, she orders the things that she knows we like and taste night and I order anything that says the words BBQ pork or shrimp because they're always amazing! Ordering like this does mean that we always end up with too much food but its all so small we make the same mistake every time!

Forgot to take a picture before we started eating
I love dim sum, I love the sharing and the enjoyment and in my humble opinion it's more filling than tapas. While tapas tastes great i just never find it as enjoyable as dim sum. Plus as an added bonus dim sum never leaves me with eating guilt.

Steamed BBQ pork bun

Custard Buns!

Shrimp...Something....but it tastes amazing

Pork dumplings in spicy sauce

So this was definitely the highlight of my week! We did have some great visitors at work I won't tell you who yet, but hopefully soon, I'm waiting for something to arrive and then you'll get a whole post about it! (Start getting excited)

Tomorrow will be my review post of the week, and this week it's a make up review!

Thanks for reading!

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