Saturday, 21 February 2015

My First Qwertee arrived!! Nerd Alert!


So I've spent this week trying to figure out what today's post was going to be about and this morning I received my answer through the post. My First Qwertee order arrived!

For those who don't know what Qwertee is I highly recommend you check out their site, here. Trust me you won't regret it they're stuff is amazing for everyone's inner nerd. A quick explanation of Qwertee is that they're a company that sells unique limited edition tshirts with a pop culture influence created by the artists on staff. All the shirts are only available for a limited time (duh! limited edition) and are completely unique as you can only get them from the Qwertee website. 

A lot of people don't understand the name Qwertee, they get it's a play on tshirt but that's as far as they understand. To those people I advise that you have a look down at your computer keyboard. in the top left hand corner of the letters you will find the letters q,w,e,r,t,y. This means you're using a QWERTY keyboard (it's a thing Google it). Now I learnt this in IT class in high school but as it turns out not everybody did so I've had to explain this a lot to people.

And that's when they realise that all this time they've been talking to a nerd. O.o

People don't realise I'm a nerd when they first meet me as I've perfected coming across as a completely normal person who remains unattached to any sort of fandom and can carry on a conversation without pop culture references. That is until you ask me explain something. . .anything. Then the floodgates are open and you get a sneak peak at how my mind works and the random connections I can make between random things I once heard, saw read or smelled.

but now I'm rambling  on to the purchases!

As usual, let's start with the packaging!
Look how adorable this is, getting this through the post was quite exciting. I must admit I forgot I had purchased this until it was delivered, because Qwertee doesn't ship your order until the run of the tshirt is finished and everyone's order is in so it takes roughly 2-4 weeks to receive your order depending on when your order is placed but waking up this morning to be greeted by this cheerful robot face was such a delight!

I ordered two tshirts, the grey one on the right I order for Jay as a surprise gift. It's called 'Are these the droids you're looking for?' and I just thought it he would love it, with reference to Doctor Who, Star Wars, Futurama and Wall-E. It was just the perfect shirt for my Jay who wears his nerdiness with pride. The shirt on the left I ordered for myself, I didn't know what I would be getting because with Qwertee you can get a shirt for £6 through their insaniTEE random sale in which you give them your size and they just send you a random shirt. I ended up with SAILOR MOON! 

Jay absolutely loved his tshirt, he's worn it today while we've been out and he loved all the characters on the shirt as it combines so many of his fandoms (remind me to give you guys a tour of Jay's man cave; maybe next week). So when I said Jay and I didn't really celebrate Valentines, this had been intended as a gift to him for Valentines but as it only arrived today it become a gift for 'just because' which are always the best kind.
The shirt combines several different fandom robots in a 'Usual Suspects' type line up while a storm trooper attempts to identify which is the droid he in fact is looking for. 

Now I'm in love with the random tee they sent me. I was a little nervous as there is always a chance they'll send me a shirt I don't like or understand as it could sport a fandom I know nothing about. I'm so glad I took the chance as the t shirt I received was a great representation of two fandoms that I love the Anime series Sailor Moon and Game of Thrones and features Sailor Moon on an Iron throne made of the the weapons of the other Sailor scouts.

The t shirts themselves are of high quality, they're made of ringspun cotton are super comfortable and machine washable :)

I'm definitely going to be ordering more of these shirts and even if you think you might not want what they currently have onsite make sure you sign up to their daily t shirt email which will let you know what designs are available that day.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Review: Bourjois Colorband; eyeshadow & liner


Hope you all had a nice relaxing Sunday!

As promised it's a make up review today and it's for Bourjois Colorband (being British this spelling of colour is killing me) but it's the brand's choice not mine. Now this product is new to UK market as part of the Bourjois range and I have shade 03 beige minimaliste.

So as usual let's start with the packaging.
Not much to say but I will say the colours of the sticks (before you remove the lid) are really representative of the colours as they look and as they apply. Which I think is great, there are quite a few products out there where the packaging can really misrepresent the colour you get from the product but Bourjois has always been really great at getting the right colours for their packaging.

For the pigmentation of the product Bourjois is still true to form, you get beautiful pigmentation from these shadow sticks. Now I love nudes, I much prefer a natural look to being fully made up, especially since I don't wear make up that often when I do I like to look like I'm not wearing anything or just wearing a nice hint of sparkle (got to love a hint of sparkle). I've never liked the overly made up look on myself I always feel really obvious so I either stay away from make up all together preferring to concentrate on keeping my skin healthy or when I do feel to do something a little special I'll opt for a natural look and maybe if I'm feeling brave a nice smoky eye with a nude lip. This colour is beautiful a great shimmery nude can be wore alone of would look beautiful in a smoky eye.

Top: Blended Swatch (sparkly)
Bottom: Block Swatch

The formulation of this shadow stick is lush, it's creamy and smooth and blends out beautifully. It takes a little time to set but once it does it doesn't budge which I love. Now I will have to stipulate this is mainly when it's drawn on my hand, I do have oily skin and oily lids so there was a little creasing when I was wearing it without a primer so for us suffers of oily skin a primer is definitely recommended.

For overall wear-ability, I received this at work around 10 or 11am and being the kid at Christmas I am. I put it on straight away. So setting the scene by this time of day my lids are already getting quite oily, it applies really nicely and blends out to my entire lash nicely. By 2pm when I do a check, I have a few creases but they blend away easily and my eye shadow is still in place when I get home at 5pm.

So all in all, I love this product and will definitely be using it in future, and will be trying out some of the different shades within this range.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Dim Sum-day, little plate of heaven

Hello Lovelies!

 Happy Valentines Day!

Now Jay and I don't really celebrate Valentines, we don't see the point, but I do get a card and wine so I can't complain :)
This isn't going to be a long blog post, but the next one (tomorrow) will be another review. I'm going to try and post twice on the weekends. One review and one catch up of my week (we'll see how it goes) but that is the plan! So this post is my catch up.

So I kicked off this week with a lovely catch up with one of my dearest friends who I don't get to see nearly enough, so we decided to catch up over our favourite dim sum restaurant, MandarinIt's tucked away in Hockley, Nottingham City Centre (across from the Capital FM arena). 

Photo Credit: Mandarin Restaurant website.

Ready for food
Now I don't know how most people do it but Elle and I have our own system, she orders the things that she knows we like and taste night and I order anything that says the words BBQ pork or shrimp because they're always amazing! Ordering like this does mean that we always end up with too much food but its all so small we make the same mistake every time!

Forgot to take a picture before we started eating
I love dim sum, I love the sharing and the enjoyment and in my humble opinion it's more filling than tapas. While tapas tastes great i just never find it as enjoyable as dim sum. Plus as an added bonus dim sum never leaves me with eating guilt.

Steamed BBQ pork bun

Custard Buns!

Shrimp...Something....but it tastes amazing

Pork dumplings in spicy sauce

So this was definitely the highlight of my week! We did have some great visitors at work I won't tell you who yet, but hopefully soon, I'm waiting for something to arrive and then you'll get a whole post about it! (Start getting excited)

Tomorrow will be my review post of the week, and this week it's a make up review!

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Review: Chloe- Love Story Eau de Parfum

Hi Everyone!

So it's been a busy day.

Been running errands all day and I'm exhausted. So decided to wind down by writing a new for a new perfume I just just received.

It's the new Chloe Love story fragrance and I have to say it was love at first whiff. It's amazing! But before I get to the scent let just talk packaging. It's not your usual perfume box where you have to undo the flaps at the top and have to slide the product unceremoniously into your hand while trying not to drop your new purchase on the floor. If you're like me you usually have to open your new perfumes in the privacy of you room with no one around so that you don't have to go through the embarrassment of dropping in front of your friends and loved ones while they point and laugh. The Chloe box opens like a present, the top comes off and your beautiful bottle of perfume greets you from the safety of its chic white box.

The bottle is gorgeous, it's square and textured with vertical lines. The top edge of the bottle is wrapped in gold and embossed with the Chloe logo and love story is written in gold script towards the bottom. There is a ribbon attached making the the whole thing feel more like a gift but lets just talk about the cap. the bottle comes with instructions on how to remove the cap from the bottle. and the instructions are written on this little note card that is so cute (I forgot to photograph it I apologise). Removing the cap involves flipping down the gold crescent before pulling clear cap off but the complication is well worth it once you get to the scent.

The top notes are orange blossom, with heart notes of stephanotis jasmine and base notes of cedar wood.
Now I love cedar wood, it's not too sweet and gives you a really love last scent that's not too over powering and lasts all day and I mean it this is a long lasting scent and it's brilliant because that's what everyone wants out of the scent they're wearing. The orange blossom and jasmine definitely come through as well, when i was wearing the scent (before i read what the notes where) i was trying to figure it out and all that kept coming to mind was that it was both floral and citrusy and just amazing.

The scent makes you think of romance and summer, and happy thoughts. It makes me want to go for picnic, or a romantic dinner for two.

All in all, I really loved this scent. So much so I've decided to save for my wedding day. Yes that's right i will not be wearing this absolutely gorgeous fragrance again till I walk down the aisle that way I know I will only be thinking the happy romantic thoughts I should be on that day.

If you'd like to get this I have the 50ml eau de parfum which is available from Boots, Debenhams and House of Fraser and retails for around £65.

Thanks for reading!

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Friday, 6 February 2015

The Pros and Cons of starting 'Beauty and Lifestyle' Blog.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Hello & Welcome!

So I've been out of the blogging game for far too long! The game has changed and blogging has grown in a big way. As you can see this is the only post currently residing on on this blog. That is very simply because I got rid of all my old posts. All my mewling teenage whining is gone and here is me.

I'm Hestia Dimitri.
I'm 25.
I live in Nottingham.
I'm getting married in less than 3 months to the love of my life Jay.

I work in the UK beauty industry, so I get to see products before they hit the market and I even get to test some of them. Now this doesn't mean that you'll get to see every product I see when I get it as of course there are legal issues around that but I will share what I can when I can.

Now due to the nature of my job it can be easily misconstrued that my posts/reviews/opinions are not my own but I can assure you that anything said here if strictly and only my opinion.

So I named my blog 'Queen of this Pirate ship' when I first put it up because I thought it sounded funny. It came up in a very strange conversation with a friend of mine and has kind of stuck no one really understands it, and neither do I. I did consider changing it for this when i was updating everything but I like it. So the name stays.

I use to go by the on-line name of Hestia Dimitri because i had a weird thing about people knowing my name and I never really had nicknames as a kid. So I came up with the name Hestia Dimitri because I thought it sounded cool. Hestia means Goddess of the Hearth and Dimitri just reminded me of vampires (I was young don't judge me!) and  thats what I came up with.

So follow my journey here on blogger,